Monday, 5 March 2012

Full Value

Over the weekend, I started a ring job on the shop bus.  Unfortunately I found that I need to replace the connecting rod bearings.

I did get full value on the bearings though!  In fact, there aren't any bearings left.

Where there is copper here, there should be babbitt, the actual bearing surface has worn away.  
No need to replace parts until they are fully worn out!  
This was pretty close to a catastrophic failure though.  

I guess my truck isn't the One Horse Shay

The shop bus, is a 1949 GMC Panel Truck in case you're wondering.  It was converted into a Suburban, during the 50s, with steel, and lead.  My how there is lead around the windows.  Excellent.  For the mean time, I'm on the bike.

On the level

Last week or so, I was over on Saltspring Island, installing a vanity in an older post and beam house.  The house isn't plumb, level, or square.  But it is right on the ocean, hard to beat that.  It's also great to ride on the ferry on the way to the job site.

 A trifle un-fashionable these days, this is the way I like to build my casework.  Dados and grooves.  I also refuse to build casework from particle board.  I just can't see going to all this trouble to end up with something that won't stand up in the long run.  I also find it easier to mount slides, and drawers this way too, not to mention the strength!  For fancy work, it also allows an easy install for a dust shield.
 With the extra framework, and the ply, it's no trouble to cut out the corners, and still handle the "boxes" without damage.  Here, the entire back corner had to be removed for the post.  The box is still able to be handled without fear of breaking or racking.